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Arch Coal Earns National Corporate Social Responsibility Award

June 10, 2014 at 9:12 AM EDT

ST. LOUIS, June 10, 2014 -- Arch Coal, Inc. (NYSE:ACI) today announced its signature community program has been named among the nation's best by Bulldog Reporter.

Arch Coal earned the silver 2014 Bulldog Corporate Social Responsibility Award for the Best Campaign Supporting Education for its signature community program, the Teacher Achievement Awards. The company's teacher-recognition program celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2013. More than $1 million has been awarded to 400 teachers since the program was initiated in 1988.

"It's an honor to be recognized for Arch's long history of supporting educational excellence," said Deck S. Slone, Arch Coal's senior vice president of strategy and public policy. "Our Teacher Achievement Awards program celebrates great teachers and encourages great teaching. In the process, we are making a positive difference in the communities where we operate and making a smart investment in our future workforce."

Arch Coal's entry was selected by a panel of working journalists from among the most outstanding community relations programs supporting education. Programs were judged on their ability to achieve extraordinary visibility and influence opinion, as well as on their creativity and command of media and technology. Winning entries will be summarized in the Bulldog CSR Awards Hall of Fame magazine, which is to be published later this month.

"Arch's longstanding teacher awards program was chosen from entries representing the very best strategic and tactical prowess that corporate communications has to offer," said Publisher James Sinkinson. "After 25 years, the Arch Coal Teacher Awards clearly demonstrates the company's time-honored tenacity for investing in the community."

Education represents the largest area of giving for Arch Coal and the Arch Coal Foundation.

A video commemorating the silver anniversary of the Teacher Awards program is posted on the company's YouTube channel Arch Coal Cares at To learn more about the award-winning Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards program, visit

U.S.-based Arch Coal, Inc. is one of the world's top coal producers for the global steel and power generation industries, serving customers on five continents. Its network of mining complexes is the most diversified in the United States, spanning every major coal basin in the nation. The company controls more than 5 billion tons of high-quality metallurgical and thermal coal reserves, with access to all major railroads, inland waterways and a growing number of seaborne trade channels. For more information, visit